English Lessons

 Over the course of our sessions, I engaged Leonardo in interactive activities centered around colors. We started with basic hues like red, blue, and yellow, using everyday items to represent each color. For instance, a red apple, a blue sky, and a yellow banana became the tangible symbols of their respective colors.

I utilized visual aids such as color cards to provide a visual reference, reinforcing the connection between the word and its representation. This multisensory approach aimed to cater to different learning styles and enhance retention.

As we progressed, I introduced a broader spectrum of colors, encouraging Leonardo to explore and name them. We ventured beyond primary colors, delving into shades and tones. Our lessons extended beyond the confines of a formal setting, incorporating real-world experiences where identifying colors in diverse environments became a game.

Repetition played a crucial role in solidifying his understanding. Through consistent reinforcement and positive feedback, Leonardo not only learned the names of colors but also developed the ability to independently recognize and articulate them in various contexts. This comprehensive approach aimed to create a vivid and lasting association between English color vocabulary and the vibrant world around him.


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