
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2023

English Lessons

 Over the course of our sessions, I engaged Leonardo in interactive activities centered around colors. We started with basic hues like red, blue, and yellow, using everyday items to represent each color. For instance, a red apple, a blue sky, and a yellow banana became the tangible symbols of their respective colors. I utilized visual aids such as color cards to provide a visual reference, reinforcing the connection between the word and its representation. This multisensory approach aimed to cater to different learning styles and enhance retention. As we progressed, I introduced a broader spectrum of colors, encouraging Leonardo to explore and name them. We ventured beyond primary colors, delving into shades and tones. Our lessons extended beyond the confines of a formal setting, incorporating real-world experiences where identifying colors in diverse environments became a game. Repetition played a crucial role in solidifying his understanding. Through consistent reinforcement and posi

Círculo Literario


Ethics Report


Math Report

  On Thursday, October 26th, at 7:30, the principal kicked off the school rally, in which several subjects were involved, including chemistry, mathematics and reasoning . In the first round, Team Itza takes the lead. Moving to the second round, Team Paola catches up. The third round sees Team 110 surging ahead. By the fourth round, Team 110 is already ahead by 2 points. In the fifth round, Team 108 closes the gap. Finally, in the sixth round, Team 110 maintains its lead, securing victory in the school rally. I congratulate all the contestants and hope that the next rally will be even more exciting. On the other hand, now we are going to talk about the activity we did in mathematics, Jeopardy, during this activity we had to play in teams.  The rules were more following: There were 5 types of questions, Factoring, linear equation, Linear equation (word problem), Linear equation with 2 unknowns and linear equation with two unknowns (word problem).  There were also 4 levels of difficulty,

Welcome to math

 Welcome everyone, in this section we will see everything related to the subject of mathematics, join us during this journey full of numbers and variables. 🧮



Salt Types



Welcome to the fascinating world of chemistry! 👩‍🔬 From the most fascinating chemical reactions to the incredible atomic world, discover with us the wonders of chemistry . ⚗️🧪

Digital Awareness Flyers



El reloj marcaba las 12:58 del mediodía cuando se desplegó el telón para dar comienzo a la fascinante representación teatral de "Hércules" en mi escuela. La obra cumplió con las expectativas, dejando un gran recuerdo en la memoria de los espectadores, incluyéndome. Hércules está basada en las hazañas del héroe mitológico griego, aunque esta representación está fuertemente inspirada en la versión de Disney. Desde el momento en que el telón se alzó, quedó claro que esta producción era el resultado de un esfuerzo colectivo excepcional, la cual logró sumergirnos en los desafíos que enfrentaría nuestro héroe. La trama seguía los pasos de Hércules, desde su nacimiento hasta sus grandes    hazañas, incluida la realización de los trabajos impuestos por Filoctetes. Cada acto nos mostrab una nueva capa de la historia, revelando la lucha de Hércules contra las adversidades, sus triunfos y las lecciones aprendidas en el camino. Lo que realmente hizo destacar a esta representación fue el

Taller de lectura y redacción

 ¡Bienvenidos a TLR! En esta sección veremos todo lo relacionado con TLR (taller de lectura y redacción) aquí aprenderemos los conceptos básicos de la gramática y la redacción. 📚

Research Reflection

 In my first semester of high school I learned a lot about research methodology. I learned different types of knowledge and their characteristics, which helped me see different perspectives on things. During the semester, I also realized how important research methods are. I understood that having a clear method is key to directing research in the right direction. We also talked about how science, methods and research are connected. I saw that having a structured approach is crucial to advancing knowledge. It's about being organized and systematic in the way we explore things. We analyze the different parts of knowledge, such as evidence, findings, interviews and other things. Overall, this first semester taught me the fundamentals of conducting research and gave me a broader idea of ​​what research methodology is all about. It made me appreciate how we go from being curious about something to exploring it in a structured way.

Welcome to Research Methodology!

Greetings! Here the world of research begins with our blog, where we will see the importance of various research methods and the fundamental principles of structured exploration. From understanding the principles of scientific research to exploring the complexities of the elements of knowledge.

School Rally

 On Thursday, October 26th, at 7:30, the principal kicked off the school rally, in which several subjects were involved, including chemistry, mathematics and reasoning . In the first round, Team Itza takes the lead. Moving to the second round, Team Paola catches up. The third round sees Team 110 surging ahead. By the fourth round, Team 110 is already ahead by 2 points. In the fifth round, Team 108 closes the gap. Finally, in the sixth round, Team 110 maintains its lead, securing victory in the school rally. I congratulate all the contestants and hope that the next rally will be even more exciting. ✨

Mathematical Reasoning

 🔢 Welcome to Mathematical Reasoning! 🧠 Explore the world of logic, problem-solving, and the art of numbers. Join us on a journey where equations tell stories and critical thinking becomes second nature. Whether you're a math enthusiast or just starting, let's discover the beauty of mathematical exploration together! 🌐 ✨

Welcome To Our Blog

🎓✨ * * Greetings Esteemed Readers and Scholars, ** With great enthusiasm, we unveil our school blog, a digital sanctum for intellectual exploration and academic engagement. As we navigate the corridors of knowledge, our dedicated team, comprised of Carlos, Saul, Leonardo, and Isaac, endeavors to deliver a curated collection of insightful content spanning various disciplines. Whether you seek the profundity of literature, the artistry of expression, the exploration of ideas, or the nuances of technology, our blog is poised to be your intellectual companion. We extend our sincere appreciation to our esteemed readers, whose presence enhances the scholarly tapestry we aim to weave. Join us on this journey, where the pursuit of wisdom is both an honor and a shared endeavor. Warm regards, The Editorial Team 🚀🤝📚